How to Show Christlike Love in Your Everyday Life

As it is written in the Bible, we are all called to show love to others and to share the Gospel. Jesus shows us the perfect example of how to show Christian love in Matthew 4:23 and Acts 10:38. In addition to reading about evangelism and discipleship in the Bible, attending an evangelism and discipleship program like the Good Soil Basic Seminar is the best way to get a clear understanding of how Christ shows His love for us every day & how you can show that same love to people you are close with and even individuals who hold different worldviews & beliefs from your own! 

Online Evangelism & Discipleship Sharing God’s Story of Hope from a Distance

I remember it well—it’s a happening that I’ll never forget. As of 8:00 p.m., March 19, 2020, Pennsylvania’s governor ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses to close their physical locations. Similar orders were issued about the same time, state-by-state, across the United States. Simultaneously, we saw a sudden drop in lack of interest in evangelism and discipleship resources. After all—how can you do ministry if you can’t be with people? 

Christmas – Evangelistic Discussion Openers

What’s the most popular American holiday? If the answer to that question is based on how many greeting cards are sent for the holiday, it’s Christmas and no other holiday even comes close. Hallmark says that 1.6 billion Christmas cards are sent per year, more than ten times as many Valentine’s cards. Initially, Christmas was popular because of the theological significance of the event it represented—the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ. Although the original meaning of Christmas has become overshadowed by tinsel, Santa, and presents under the tree, most non-Christians in North American have enough “Christmas spirit” to listen to the deeper “old fashion” meaning of Christmas—a key event in the gospel story. 

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