How to Evangelize with Confidence - Overcoming Fear in Sharing Your Faith

In a random 2013 telephone survey of 2,083 adults in the United States, 100% of adults who identified as “evangelical Christians” agreed with this statement: "I, personally, have a responsibility to tell other people my religious beliefs." The even more positive news from that survey was that 69% of these evangelicals agreed with this statement: "During the past 12 months, I explained my religious beliefs to someone who had different beliefs, in hope that they might accept Jesus Christ as their Savior." But the negative side of that response was that nearly one-third (31%) of the evangelicals had not shared their faith in the previous year, even though they knew they were supposed to do so. And we can probably safely assume that some of the positive 69% were not being completely honest, wanting to sound better than they really were. 

How to Witness to a Dying Unbeliever

You are seated at the bedside of a loved one who will soon be slipping into eternity. From what you know about this person, there is no reason to think that he is prepared to meet the Lord. Part of you would like to simply comfort him and say, “Goodbye.” But, as a Christian who knows about the realities of heaven and hell, the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do what you know you need to do—take this one last opportunity to share the gospel with your loved one and compassionately encourage him to prepare for eternity. What do you say and how do you say it? 

How to Teach the Bible to the Unsaved

“We are seeing a great appetite to read and understand the Bible.” --Roy Peterson, President of the American Bible Society Secularization (“religion isn’t important”) and religious pluralization (“all religions are equally true and valid”) are specters that intimidate Christians and church leaders in North America: “People aren’t interested in the Bible or Jesus anymore!” “How can we share the gospel, since Americans don’t believe in the Bible now?!” “So many people have their own religious beliefs now and don’t want to hear about Christianity.” 

Frankly, I Am Bad at Evangelism!

"Bad” and “good” are relative terms and regardless of how bad we may be, or think we are, we can always improve. We can always become more comfortable in telling people about Jesus. We can all become more effective—effective enough to see God do some amazing things in the lives of unsaved friends and relatives, and even initial contact acquaintances. Here are three simple suggestions for going from “bad” to “better” and maybe eventually even to “good.” 

Resolutions for a New Year

Are you like many or most of us Christ-followers—know you need to tell your friends and relatives about Jesus, but hesitate to initiate the witness? Maybe some New Year’s resolutions would help. So what if only about 46 per cent of resolution makers stick to their resolutions six months into the year, according to one recent study. Even that success rate is better than nothing—better than not resolving to share the good news with people in our lives who need to hear it. What Dr. John Northcross, a clinical psychologist, discovered was impressive: 46 percent of resolution-makers successfully worked toward their goal, while only 4 percent of those who didn’t make a resolution saw their desired outcome become a reality six months later. So, it’s better to “resolve” than not to resolve. Here are five evangelism resolutions for you to consider: 

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