Use Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship in your homeschool Bible class.
Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship engages students in meaningful, thought-provoking Bible study, helping students understand the BIG story of the Bible and gain a clear understanding of the gospel. Moreover, Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship is evangelistic and discipleship oriented, equipping students to share their faith.
The Story of Hope - Kids workbook is a chronological Bible study for kids, approximately ages 8-12. It is designed to help kids understand the BIG story of redemption, from Genesis through Revelation—a perspective that very few other ministry resources provide for children. The workbook contains one page for each of 40 Bible-event lessons, including an image from the Good Soil Redemptive Art Series and questions that get kids digging into the Bible texts for themselves. Also, the Chronological Bridge to Life is presented in an eight-page sequence. There's a Personal Faith Response page too.
Questions and map activities engage kids to read and think, rather than just rotely memorize. This workbook is bright and colorful and beautifully illustrated.
64 pages, Plastic Coil Bound
One lady who went to Sunday school as a child, but never truly trusted Jesus as her Savior, was being led through an evangelistic Bible study based on the adult version of The Story of Hope. She commented:
Why didn't they teach the Bible like this to me when I was in Sunday school? If they had done so, I might have understood it and become a true believer.
Approximately 400 pages of lesson plans for teaching 48 Bible lessons—40 Bible-event lessons and eight Chronological Bridge to Life lessons. The lessons unfold the BIG Story of the Bible, chronologically from beginning to end, focusing on God's redemptive story. As students learn about major Bible events, they also learn how all of them are connected around the one BIG Story.
Lessons include many creative activities to engage kids in active learning: questions, games, songs, crafts, drama, “My Story of Hope” activities, memory verses, and other Bible learning activities. Also, a complete set of coloring sheets, one per each of the 40 Bible event lessons.
Great resource for your home school!
Twelve songs to accompany the study of The Story of Hope - Kids. Created to help kids understand and remember the Bible events in the workbook, as well as the eight chronological gospel concepts.
Two-CD set; one CD with voices; other, soundtrack only.
Twelve songs, including "The God of the Big Story," "Come Let Us Sing," "Shout for Joy," "Transcendent God," "We Believe," "Tell the World of Jesus," "Doxology 21," and others.
Single CD - sung by ensemble of kids.
The Way to Joy - Kids is a basic discipleship Bible study workbook for kids, approximately ages 8-12. If your students have made professions of faith in Jesus Christ, the next step is obviously discipleship. If you have not done so already, we recommend that you take them through The Story of Hope - Kids. But the next step beyond that would be The Way to Joy - Kids.
The Way to Joy - Kids includes ten lessons on basic truths that every young believer needs to know and some key spiritual disciplines that every Christian needs to practice. It is bright, it is colorful, it is beautifully illustrated with images that kids relate to. And, it includes a Bible reading and prayer journal to accompany the weeks of the discipleship study.
64 pages, Plastic Coil Bound.
Students are constantly engaged in active learning, as they study the Bible from Genesis through Revelation in 31 class sessions (or more or less).
Underlying the teaching of the Bible’s BIG Story in this study, students are also being equipped to use The Story of Hope to lead others through the study.
The 120-page professionally designed Class Facilitator’s Guide is available as a FREE download.
A professionally designed PowerPoint with 400+ slides is also available for class facilitators.
FREE access to an online Instructor’s Resource Center for teaching The Story of Hope Class.
A fun way to teach a basic discipleship class and train believers to make disciples
The Bible's BIG Story Teaching Visuals - Set of 105
Set of 105 laminated, double-sided teaching visuals for teaching the Bible's redemptive story, from Genesis through Revelation.
13.5" x 10.75" laminated printed teaching visuals. Key Bible event content on the back, event image on the front. 105 teaching visuals, 50 Old Testament, and 50 New Testament, plus five that work especially for ministry with Muslims. Great for teaching kids (and, adults too!) the BIG Story of the Bible that begins in Genesis and culminates in Revelation. Same images and key content as the Chronological Bible Cards—essentially big versions of those pocket-size cards. See below.
ChronoBible Cards: Genesis-Revelation
A complete set of 135 pocket-size cards (4.5" x 3.375") for learning and reviewing the content and chronology of the Bible's Big Story.
Pocket-size cards for learning and reviewing 100 key Bible events as they appear chronologically from Genesis through Revelation. Each Bible event card contains an image from the Good Soil Redemptive Story art collection on the front and key content information on the back. 25 major Bible era cards and 10 Chronological Bridge to Life cards included.
Reflections unfolds the storyline of the Bible through 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament events—from Genesis through Revelation.
$20 in Quantities of Eight or More - $40 for One Book, $30 each for Two. An excellent gift to give your students!
Reflections - The Audio Experience
Professional recordings of all 100 narratives from the book, Reflections From God's Story of Hope.
MP3 files on a flash drive
Watch a (2:36) video to see how the Reflections - The Audio Experience audio stories are correlated with the printed and visually illustrated stories in the Reflections from God's Story of Hope coffee table storybook, as well as The Bible's BIG Story Teaching Visuals.
For you to use in your ministry and to encourage those to whom you are ministering to load on their own mobile devices. Great way to teach and review the events of the Bible's BIG Story and the eight chronological Bible concepts.
Every movie or novel has a central storyline, a plot. Even children from age six and up can learn the BIG storyline of the Bible, using 25 “Hooks”—major eras of the Bible. And the activities are FUN for students of all ages, even the teachers.
The 12 "Hooks" for Hanging the Old Testament Storyline
The 1 + 12 "Hooks" for Hanging the New Testament Storyline
Ariel, Filipino visiting in New JerseyMy latest Hooks for Hanging the Bible’s Storyline workshop was last Saturday in a Bible study in the home of the owner of Sam Ash Music Stores in Bayonne, NJ. Several very diverse cultures were represented in the group (Filipino, Russian, German, American, African, Hispanic, Arab, and Jewish). They were amazed and enjoyed it - and everyone understood. Some said, “I finally got it!” “I’ll read my Bible again.”
Full Certification
Image of a TROF OT Class at ABWE - FUN Learning
Image of a TROF NT Class at ABWE - Interactive & Engaging Learning
Provisional Certification
Teaching and Training
May 31, 2024
Teaching and Training
August 17, 2023
Teaching and Training
May 31, 2023
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May 9, 2023
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