Cross-Cultural Missionaries

Training and resources were specifically created to help cross-cultural missionaries.

Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship can help cross-cultural missionaries from any evangelical agency overcome some of the common challenges faced when ministering to Buddhists, Hindus, Muslim, animists, postmodern, and others from non-Christian backgrounds.

Hero missionaries

Missionary Training

For Worldview-Relevant Evangelism and Discipleship

Good Soil Basic Seminar

Two Days in May or October

Good Soil’s Basic Seminar will help you...

  • Understand key principles of cross-cultural evangelism that are found in the New Testament, especially from the ministry of the apostles in the book of Acts. Good Soil is solidly based on a Biblical theology of evangelism and missiological worldview-relevancy.
  • Learn many practical tools and tips for effective evangelism, even in cultures that may be totally ignorant of, and hostile to, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Cut through the “worldview noise” that often prevents non-Christians in other faith-cultures from understanding the essential distinctives of the Biblical gospel, and from failing to forsake their non-Biblical beliefs and practices when they do profess faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Present the Bible’s BIG Story of redemption, beginning in Genesis 1 and proceeding chronologically through the Bible to the end of Revelation 22.
  • Do evangelism in a way that unbelievers—even those from non-Biblical worldviews—will clearly understand the gospel, so that they can sincerely embrace it and hold on to it.

Here are a few sample pages from the Good Soil Seminar workbook:

Begin by attending a Good Soil BASIC Seminar, so that you can enhance your skills in worldview-relevant evangelism and can begin using Good Soil’s resources most effectively.

Learn More and Register

Then, participate in a Good Soil TRAINER CERTIFICATION workshop , where you will be qualified and certified to teach Good Soil seminars on your field or to others in your mission agency.

Trainer Certification Workshop

One Day in May or October

  • Participants deepen their understandings of Good Soil theology and missiology of evangelism and discipleship and seminar content.
  • Participants become certified to teach the Good Soil Basic Seminar in their own ministries.
  • Participants become eligible to purchase Good Soil Basic Seminar workbooks.
  • Participants are granted access to the online Instructor’s Resource Center, which includes instructional resources used in Good Soil training.

Personal Evangelism FREE Curriculum Guide

For Teaching the Good Soil Seminar Contents in 30 Class Sessions

  • Establish a Biblical theology of evangelism and discipleship (E&D) as the foundation for the methodologies and resources presented in this class.
  • Teach students to understand and practice E&D in ways that are worldview-relevant, training them to share God’s story of hope in a world of competing faiths and cultures.
  • Equip students for ministry in international missions, as well as in multi-faith North American communities.
  • Introduce students to resources that have been broadly tested internationally with people of various worldview contexts and that are available in numerous languages.
    Great for use in Bible Institute or Bible College evangelism classes.

Moving Beyond Lecture Workshop

Two Days in October

Moving Beyond Lecture will enhance your ability to teach and train, beyond what you can probably imagine. You will…

  • Learn a seven-step process for developing a curriculum plan for teaching a seminar, workshop, or course of lessons.
  • Enlarge your teaching toolbox with lots of creative techniques and tips for teaching.
  • Become more sensitive to classroom factors that can enhance your teaching-learning environment.
  • Engage your students more actively and make learning FUN for them.
  • Become more confident and effective in your teaching or training.

For More Information and to Register

I just wanted to share the impact of Moving Beyond Lecture on the teaching team at Biblical Ministries Worldwide.

One week after Gil’s Moving Beyond Lecture seminar here at our office in Georgia, we started our Candidate Seminar. I challenged all of those who attended Moving Beyond Lecture (MBL) to take at least one principle from MBL and apply it to one of their classes and then report back to me. I made it a contest of sorts: the winner would receive a nice gift.

Results? I have ten (10) examples of how impactful MBL was on the training team. In just one week, this course material has dramatically changed how we design and conduct many of our sessions. One of my trainers is a VP of Academic Affairs for a seminary and he completely revised his approach to his class. Who is the winner? They all are! Not only did they see more enthusiastic response to material from the students, they now “own” the MBL principle they used. So, everyone is going to get a small reward (Starbucks card).

I'm not going to let the pressure off, though. Even though everyone has returned to their “real job,” my thoughts going forward are

-Have everyone complete a Training Wheels for their course(s)
-Revise the handouts they use, if any, with learning objectives clearly stated
-Reduce dependence upon PowerPoint as the primary content transfer mode

Thank you so much for making such a contribution to our training processes at Biblical Ministries Worldwide. Only eternity will tell the real impact of your gracious gift to (or for) the cause of Christ.

Clark, Training Director of Biblical Ministries Worldwide

BibleStorying Workshop

Two Days in May

One of the keys to effective Bible teaching with any age is telling Bible stories so that historical Bible events “come alive” in the minds of those who hear them!

This BibleStorying (Bible story telling) workshop will enhance your skills as a Bible story teller and teacher. You will learn lots of tips and techniques for improving your ability to tell Bible stories that will gain and hold student interest. And, you will learn about—and practice using—several Good Soil Bible teaching resources.

  • Day One: How to Learn Bible Stories
  • Day Two: How to Tell Bible Stories

For More Information and to Register

Another Special Gift Offer for Mission Agency Leaders

For the sake of the gospel, we want to share with other mission agencies the cross-cultural ministry training and resources that God has given us.

We will gladly waive the registration fees for two of your agency's key leaders to attend up to a full week of our May or October Good Soil training seminars or workshops. A $600 value.

As seminar participants, representatives from your agency will be certified and equipped to teach the Good Soil Basic Seminar in your ministry organization.

Dates and More Info Regarding Good Soil Training Events

Use this form to send us your name, contact information, name and website of your mission agency, and we will send you the code for FREE registrations, which you can share with one other key leader or trainer in your mission agency.

Contact us at or 717.909.2397 for more information.

Equipping missionaries to share God's story of hope in a world of competing faiths and cultures.

Bible Training for Missionaries

Learning the Bible chronologically, in a way that will equip you for effective ministry in a world of competing faiths and cultures.

God’s BIG Story: In August we began teaching in Garjaws Town, Grand Bassa County. For our first teaching, we placed a 600-foot long orange timeline through the middle of the village. We then hung most of the 100 events we will study in The Roots of Faith, along with the 25 Bible “Eras” (Creation, Fall, Flood etc.). We then gave an overview of God’s Story from eternity past to eternity future. The people are excited to see what God has, is, and will do and that they are included in God’s Story! In September the lessons continued and included integrating “Bible Telling” for those who cannot read.

Gary, missionary in Liberia

Chronological Bible courses that unfold the BIG Story of the Bible, based on 100 key redemptive story events. Specifically created for training missionaries to share God’s redemptive story in non-Christian worldview cultures AND to use in teaching the Bible to Christians from those cultures who often carry non-Christian “worldview baggage” into their Christian lives and practices—teaching the Bible to help purge the “worldview baggage.”

The Roots of Faith courses are three courses in one:

  • Chronological Bible survey courses—Students master the overall chronological framework and core content of the Bible.
  • Biblical theology courses—The Bible’s basic theological concepts are presented as they were progressively revealed, from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22.
  • Worldview apologetics courses—Common non Christian worldview (“worldview noise”) issues are addressed throughout the courses in order to equip Christ-followers to live and minister in a world of competing faiths and cultures.

The courses also include:

  • Downloadable Bible commentary for each course, to provide expert help for all of the Bible passages included in the lessons.
  • Instructors Guide for each course.
  • Access to online instructional resources for each course.

Additional supplemental resources are available, such as printed and PowerPoint teaching visuals and chronological Bible cards and more.

Taking The Roots of Faith after being on the mission field for several years was a great encouragement and review for us. It also gave us the tools to help teach the Old and New Testament in our Bible school here in the Philippines. Both the outline and the pictures have been so helpful in organizing our materials for teaching. It also helps the students understand The Story of Hope in the bigger context of the Bible.

Phil and Barb, missionaries to the Philippines

How can you be certified to teach
The Roots of Faith Courses in your ministry?

Full Certification Option: Participate in The Roots of Faith Courses

Image of a TROF OT Class at ABWE - FUN Learning

Image of a TROF NT Class at ABWE - Interactive & Engaging Learning

Provisional Certification Option: Purchase The Roots of Faith

Missionary Resources

For Worldview-Relevant Evangelism & Discipleship

Good Soil provides a wide variety of evangelism and discipleship resources for missionary ministries. And some of these are already available in multiple languages. But if the language you need is not currently available, we are willing to work with you on translation projects.

We all want to share our faith effectively…but how do we do it?

The Story of Hope

Evangelistic Bible Study Workbook

The Story of Hope was specifically created for evangelism (or discipleship) with people from non-Christian worldview cultures—for missionary ministries.

  • It begins with the assumption that Bible study participants know little or nothing about the true God, the Bible, or Jesus Christ.
  • It begins with Genesis 1:1 and unfolds the BIG Story of God’s plan of redemption, from Genesis through Revelation. In doing so, it provides the overall context in which the gospel of Jesus Christ makes sense, even to people from other faith backgrounds.
  • It engages participants in direct Bible study, allowing them to have “Aha!” moments about the truths of Scripture, especially regarding Jesus Christ—His claims and His provision for the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life.
  • It is visually and colorfully illustrated and designed for easy understanding.
  • It is time-flexible. You can use it in one-on-one studies, in groups studies, or individuals can use for self-study.
  • There is a FREE downloadable Leader’s Guide available.
  • There is also a Global English Edition available, written at 7 th —9th grade reading levels
  • Generous quantity pricing.
  • Available in many languages . And we are open to working with you on translation projects.

FREE Leader's Guide

103 Professionally Designed Pages

103 professionally-designed pages of answers to the Bible study questions contained in The Story of Hope and suggestions as to how to deal with some of the common questions you may face, as well as many other tips for making your study successful. Download it for FREE and see for yourself.

FREE Leader's Guide

I have found The Story of Hope and related resources to be the most effective tools for evangelism in my 35 years in the ministry. I have found no better material for evangelism and discipleship for any country than the Good Soil Evangelism and Discipleship's The Story of Hope. Good Soil also has a children's edition with lots of games and songs. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! With all my responsibilities in our ministry in Southeast Asia, IF I could only do one thing, it would be to teach this material.

Steve, independent missionary to the Philippines, Vietnam, and Myanmar

The Story of Hope

Evangelistic Bible Study Workbook

We have developed a curriculum plan for teaching The Story of Hope in a class setting. Lots of people were teaching it that way, so we decided to make it easier for them and others who would want to do so. A generous donor provided funds so that we could have the class facilitator's guide professionally created and offer it to you FREE—the entire 120 beautifully designed pages!

No boring sessions in this study!

  • Lesson plans for 31 class sessions (can be adapted for fewer sessions, or for more sessions).
  • Creative learning activities for all sessions that make learning: engaging, interactive, and FUN.
  • Strategically designed to equip students to be motivated and confident in using The Story of Hope in evangelistic or discipleship studies.
  • "It's Your Time" is the final lesson, where students are launched to use what they have been taught.
  • An optional Class Facilitator PowerPoint presentation available for teaching The Story of Hope class, with 400+ slides.
  • FREE online access to the online Instructor's Resource Center, with files for class activities.

The Message of Hope

Bible Study Workbook for Ministry with Muslims

The Message of Hope is a chronological Bible study workbook for ministry with Muslims. The study begins in Genesis 1:1 and proceeds through the Bible to the very end of the book of Revelation, including 40 lessons, each focusing on one major event in the Bible's BIG Story of redemption. The Message of Hope lets the Bible speak for itself and engages participants in thought-provoking discussions along the way. The 40 events were strategically chosen to address religious issues of interest and concern to Muslims. While the study is similar in many ways to The Story of Hope, five events were substituted in The Message of Hope in order to make this study more appropriate for a Bible study with Muslims. There are two editions of The Message of Hope:

  • Edition for Bible studies with Muslims who embrace "folk" or "popular" Islam - includes pictures that depict the Bible events and characters in the study. Blue border.
  • Edition for Bible studies with Muslims who adhere to "classical" or "orthodox" Islam - does not include pictures of Bible events and characters. Yellow border.

FREE Leader's Guide - 147 professionally designed pages, developed by people who lived and worked in Muslim majority countries for many years.

32 Pages - Both editions contain Bible maps. Available in a growing number of languages.

The Message of Hope Power Point Presentation: A 40 event image PowerPoint presentation for The Message of Hope. Includes Bible map images and the tabernacle image. All text can be translated and changed in PowerPoint.

A couple years ago I showed copies of beta-versions of The Message of Hope for Muslims to a faculty member colleague who had been a missionary in the Middle East. At the time he did not seem too interested. He uses “The Story” and likes it. He then left our college for a year to head up the Muslim Studies program at a major seminary. He just came back to our college to teach again. By now he must have had more time to look over The Message of Hope and told me today that he really likes it. So I showed him one of my older versions of The Roots of Faith—Old Testament and he was impressed. He said if we had that in Arabic he would love to teach it to Muslims. In addition to the content and concept, he is impressed with the quality of the materials—and who wouldn’t be? He says the Muslims have a different “story” about the Old Testament, which undermines the gospel. He sees this type of work, such as The Message of Hope and The Roots of Faith, as setting them on the right trajectory.

PhD College Professor of Old Testament in the USA

The Way to Joy

Basic Discipleship Workbook

The Way to Joy was designed to teach new believers some of the most essential Biblical truths they need to know and help them establish basic spiritual disciplines they need to begin to practice, after receiving Jesus Christ as Savior. The study includes these ten lessons:

  • The Joy of Hope: Knowing God's Eternal Plan Gives Us Hope
  • The Joy of Eternal Life: Receiving God's Salvation Gives Us Eternal Life
  • The Joy of Confidence: Having Salvation Assurance and Security Gives Us Confidence
  • The Joy of Guidance: Reading and Studying God's Word Gives Us Guidance
  • The Joy of Prayer: Praying Brings Us into an Intimate Relationship with God
  • The Joy of God's Power: The Holy Spirit in Us Gives Us Power to Live for God
  • The Joy of Purity: Obeying God's Word Helps Us Live Pure Lives that Please God
  • The Joy of Sharing: Sharing the Gospel with Unbelievers Offers Them Hope
  • The Joy of Fellowship: A Bible-Believing Church Provides Us a Place to Grow and Serve
  • The Joy of Service: Understanding God's Plan for Us Gives Us a Sense of Purpose

Bible memory verse cards, as well as a Bible reading and prayer journal are included. Available in several languages . Contact us if you are interested in a language currently not available.

The Way to Joy (TWTJ) was specifically developed at the request of missionaries who serve in a variety of countries around the world, in order to provide a foundational discipleship study to help new believers or others who have never been grounded in the Christian faith and walk.

FREE Leader's Guide

44 Professionally Designed Pages

44 professionally-designed pages to help you lead someone through this discipleship study. Includes answers to all of the Bible study questions in the study as well as lesson plans for all 10 discipleship sessions. Can be used for one-on-one studies or small groups studies. Download it for FREE and see for yourself.

FREE Leader's Guide

Just want to let you know that my use of The Way to Joy is going great. I now have four different discipleship classes going on. On Monday’s at 9:00, I meet with a new believer, Carlos. He was a devout Catholic. The questions he has is just incredible. He has lot of questions about idols, etc. When we finished Monday, he said I want you to teach me to pray! Man I am so thrilled. Today I have two different classes going on—one this morning with five ladies, none of which are in our church yet, but hopefully soon. I have another class tonight, with the youth of the church. I probably have four or five for that class and another Thursday mornings with a man who just started coming to church. His son was saved back in January. Everyone seems to like it so far and I am thrilled to have these materials. I hope to have at least one more class lined up by the end of the month. I met with a Peruvian pastor yesterday and showed him the materials and I will be with his church for an outing the 28th presenting the materials to them. The sky is the limit. Can you tell I am excited? I am totally blown away!

Aaron, missionary in Peru

The Way to Joy

Class Facilitator’s Kit

The Way to Joy was originally developed to be a one-on-one or small group basic discipleship study. But, many organizations found it very useful for teaching in classroom settings. Now, we have a FREE resource that provides the adaptation and curriculum design work done for you—for teaching a The Way to Joy class. Thanks to a generous donor, we are now able to offer this professionally designed resource to you for FREE.

No boring sessions in this study either!

  • Students learn best when they are having FUN, and this study combines learning with FUN, so the truth sticks!
  • Thirteen (or more) class sessions covering topics essential for basic, foundational discipleship.
  • Great for baptism or new converts or new members classes, but for equipping disciplemakers as well.
  • The final session is called “It’s Your Time” in which students are challenged to put into practice what they have learned, by discipling someone else.
  • The 42-page professionally designed Class Facilitator’s Guide is available as a FREE download.
  • FREE access to the online Instructor’s Resource Center for The Way to Joy Bible class.

The Bible's BIG Story PowerPoint CD

The Bible's BIG Story PowerPoint CD contains three PowerPoint presentations of the Bible's story of redemption, from Genesis through Revelation:

20 Events - to use with short presentations and The Story of Hope Condensed.
40 Events - to use with medium-length presentations and The Story of Hope.
100 Events - to use with more extended presentations of the Bible's BIG Story.

Each Bible event is beautifully illustrated with an image from the Good Soil Redemptive Art Series. Also, included in each presentation are slides of Bible maps and the Chronological Bridge to Life.

All text can be exchanged with your translated text on the PowerPoint slides.

Sample Old Testament Images

Eve and serpent in Eden

Abraham & Isaac

Sacrifice of lamb at altar in front of tabernacle

Sample New Testament Images

John the Baptist

Resurrection of Jesus

Believers in heaven - around Jesus - the rapture scene

I am a WorldVenture (Baptist mission in Littleton, CO formerly in Wheaton as CBFMS) missionary in Senegal, West Africa, where I teach Old Testament courses at the undergraduate level, Bible institute level, and grass roots level. I would also like to teach an overview of the whole Bible such as these slides in a biblical theology course that I would like to create. Thanks for this great resource!

Charles, WorldVenture, Littleton, CO

The Bible's Big Story Teaching Visuals

The Bible's BIG Story Teaching Visuals - Set of 105

Set of 105 laminated, double-sided teaching visuals for teaching the Bible's redemptive story, from Genesis through Revelation.


Look Inside +

13.5” x 10.75” laminated printed teaching visuals. Key Bible event content on the back, event image on the front. 105 teaching visuals, 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament, plus five that work especially for ministry with Muslims. Great for teaching the BIG Story of the Bible that begins in Genesis and culminates in Revelation.

Key content on the back side is translatable – just request the document for translating the text into the language you need for your ministry. It’s possible that your ministry language document might already be available.
Contact us:

Chronological Bible Cards: Genesis — Revelation

ChronoBible Cards: Genesis-Revelation

A complete set of 135 pocket-size cards (4.5" x 3.375") for learning and reviewing the content and chronology of the Bible's Big Story.


Look Inside +

Pocket-size cards for learning and reviewing 100 key Bible events as they appear chronologically from Genesis through Revelation. Each Bible event card contains an image from the Good Soil Redemptive Story art collection on the front and key content information on the back. 25 major Bible era cards and 10 Chronological Bridge to Life cards included.

We continue to work with the pastors and their wives at the Simbai Baptist Pastors’ and Wives’ Fellowship. In November, we introduced them to The Story of Hope (TSOH), an evangelistic tool which includes 40 laminated picture cards. TSOH is a short story of the Bible and God’s provision of salvation. Our pastors are excited about this tool. We have 30 sets of cards for them and will be giving them some concentrated teaching and training beginning next year.

Bill, missionary in Papua New Guinea

Hooks for Hanging the Bible’s Storyline

Believe it or not - in just a couple of hours you can teach people to think their way through the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation! You can do so in this FUN workshop that helps them hang the storyline (the BIG Story plot) of the Bible on 25 "Hooks"–major Bible eras that summarize the Bible, from beginning to end.

The activities for teaching Hooks are FUN for students of all ages, even the teachers.
And there are FREE instructional helps.

A great workshop to use in teaching people an overview of the Bible—in a way they can remember.

The 12 "Hooks" for Hanging the Old Testament Storyline

The 1 + 12 "Hooks" for Hanging the New Testament Storyline

My latest Hooks for Hanging the Bible’s Storyline workshop was last Saturday in a Bible study in the home of the owner of Sam Ash Music Stores in Bayonne, NJ. Several very diverse cultures were represented in the group (Filipino, Russian, German, American, African, Hispanic, Arab, and Jewish). They were amazed and enjoyed it - and everyone understood. Some said, “I finally got it!” “I’ll read my Bible again.”

Ariel, Filipino visiting in New Jersey

Reflections from God’s Story of Hope

Reflections from God’s Story of Hope unfolds the storyline of the Bible through 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament events—from Genesis through Revelation.

  • 100 key Bible events organized by 25 major Bible eras.
  • 100 full-page Bible event images.
  • More than 200 pages, 9" x 12".
  • A Bible storybook for all—adults, children, Christians, or non-Christians.

$20 in Quantities of Eight or More - $40 for One Book, $30 each for Two

Many missionaries have given these as “Thank You” gifts to their prayer and financial supporters.

And other missionaries have used the book and its 100 Bible event pictures to tell and teach the Bible’s redemptive story to non-literate individuals and small groups.

Reflections - The Audio Experience

Watch a (2:36) video to see how the Reflections - The Audio Experience audio stories are correlated with the printed and visually illustrated stories in the Reflections from God's Story of Hope coffee table storybook, as well as The Bible's BIG Story Teaching Visuals.

Mobile Apps - for Android & Apple

For you to use in your ministry and to encourage those to whom you are ministering to load on their own mobile devices. Great way to teach and review the events of the Bible's BIG Story and the eight chronological Bible concepts.

Children’s Ministry Resources

Good Soil’s resources for reaching and teaching children include the same distinctives and emphases as our adult resources. The Story of Hope, for example, teaches the chronological story of redemption in a way that kids come to understand how the Bible fits together.

Some of these resources are available in non-English languages. And, if not, we are open to working with you on translation projects.

It was my privilege to travel recently to a communist country where it is illegal to teach children about Jesus Christ, as well as to a Muslim country. In both countries, I chose to present Adventures in The Story of Hope to the children’s workers who wanted to reach and disciple their children for Jesus Christ. It was so exciting as the workers saw the beautiful pictures. I was able to tell them how most teachers in America had not seen these pictures or learned how to do chronological Bible teaching. In both countries, children’s teachers went back to their local churches and had a fantastic tool to present the one redemptive plan of God which gives hope to all sinners. These teachers now have a one year plan to teach their children how God always existed and proceed through the rest of the 40 stories. We also taught them how to teach creatively. They really “grabbed hold of” how to use The Story of Hope so that children will understand the redemptive plan of God and have real hope!

Jim, missionary to children around the world

Gaining Ground with Good Soil

Learning to Share God's Story of Hope in a World of Competing Faiths and Cultures.

Gaining Ground with Good Soil is a story about and for missionaries. In an interesting narrative form, it explains the theology and missiology of evangelism and discipleship of Good Soil E&D. You will love the story of a missionary couple, and their national colleagues, who learn some Biblical principles that revolutionize their ministries—Good Soil principles that can help you to become more effective as well.

The audio book can be downloaded to your phone or pad. Audio clips from the audio book can be used to spice up teaching sessions.

There is a FREE Leader’s Guide for teaching the contents of this book in 12 or more class sessions. See the FREE resources below.

This morning, Josué asked me about how he can share his faith more effectively with his friends at school. I’ve been reading Gaining Ground with Good Soil, a book about evangelism, written by Gil Thomas, a former missionary to Portugal. I’ve been learning a lot from the book and I was able to share some of it with Josué.

Phillip, missionary intern in France

All the resources needed for teaching Gaining Ground with Good Soil in a small group or class.

FREE Book for Cross-Cultural Missionaries

Gaining Ground with Good Soil is an evangelism and discipleship training narrative—a scaled-down version of the Good Soil Evangelism and Discipleship seminar in a narrative format. The principles gained from this book are applicable for anyone wishing to serve God through Biblical evangelism and discipleship, but is especially instructive and helpful for cross-cultural missionaries.

The realistic, but fictional narrative, around which the book is developed, tells the story of a couple of missionaries who were frustrated and discouraged—to the point of almost giving up—because of their lack of success in evangelism and discipleship on their field. But, the “Good Soil” principles they learned from Bible study revolutionized their ministries. It will help you think through a theology of evangelism and discipleship and help you to present the gospel so that people will clearly understand it, sincerely embrace it, and firmly hold on to it.

Free instructional resources for individual and group study are also available for download.

If you are a cross-cultural missionary, with a USA shipping address, and will commit to reading this book, we will send you a FREE (and postage-free) copy of Gaining Ground with Good Soil.

More Good Soil Resources for Evangelism and Discipleship

Good Soil provides an entire toolbox of resources for personal evangelism and discipleship.

For a complete overview of our Good Soil resources:

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We will add support for new countries and languages in the future.