How Receptive are Your Unbelieving Friends to the Gospel?

When you begin to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with an unbelieving (non-Christian) acquaintance, which of the above facial expressions appears on his or her face? And what do you do? Do you stop at a “red light” or plow recklessly ahead? Do you run through a “yellow light” or maybe stop just assuming it’s turning yellow? Do you cruise appropriately through a “green light,” or perhaps slow down and stop even though the light is green? In other words, how do we and how should we respond to various receptivity signs flashed at us when we attempt to tell unbelievers about Jesus and the salvation he offers them? 

How to Show Christlike Love in Your Everyday Life

As it is written in the Bible, we are all called to show love to others and to share the Gospel. Jesus shows us the perfect example of how to show Christian love in Matthew 4:23 and Acts 10:38. In addition to reading about evangelism and discipleship in the Bible, attending an evangelism and discipleship program like the Good Soil Basic Seminar is the best way to get a clear understanding of how Christ shows His love for us every day & how you can show that same love to people you are close with and even individuals who hold different worldviews & beliefs from your own! 

How Many Stories in the Bible?

How many unique events or stories are there in the Bible? It's impossible to answer for sure, since it's often difficult to determine where one event or story begins and another one ends. But any way you look at it, there are hundreds of events (true stories) in the Bible, probably between 600 to 800 of them. So how did we determine which Bible events should be selected to best summarize God's Big Story in The Story of Hope, if the limit was 40 events? 

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