2,700 North Asian Leaders Trained in Good Soil E&D

Categories: Stories

By Randy Southwell

Tsoh In Asia

Tan and John are members of the same church in Southeast Asia. As businessmen they have been using their business trips to equip believers around Asia, especially North Asia, since the 1990s. In 2009, Tan retired from his secular work and commenced MDiv studies at a local seminary. It was at this time that he made many new contacts with pastors and other students from North Asia who came to study a course at the seminary.

Around this same time, John was introduced to and trained in Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship (GSED), and in 2010 he was able to train others, including Tan. John and Tan were confident that GSED training and resources could have a tremendous impact for the gospel in Asia. Using their new contacts in North Asia, they increased the number of trips they were making to North Asia, with the intent of leading GSED seminars there. By word of mouth, these contacts informed others who informed others, and so on. In the past nine years, Tan and John have made over 35 trips to North Asia, teaching at over 60 locations. Each trip lasts 10 to 14 days, where they visit two or more cities and they teach various seminars lasting from twelve to eighteen hours each. In this way, over 2,700 North Asian church leaders and members have been reached with the training! There are only a few areas they have not been to yet and are praying that God would allow them to do so in the near future.

God has given them wonderful opportunities and protected them during these trips.

John’s suitcase was full of The Story of Hope books in the host language. The customs officer picked one up and leafed through it. “Oh, Buddhist materials,” he commented. John is still unsure if God blinded his eyes or if he was a sympathetic officer who said that for the benefit of less-sympathetic others who might have been listening.

John and Tan were able to travel to Hungary in April (2019) to be a part of the International Good Soil Summit. They took advantage of the trip to make contact with and conduct a three-day GSED seminar with a North Asian church in the city of Budapest.

Tan was able to complete his DMin through Union University in 2016 and says that through his degree program he has been introduced to other church leaders all over Asia. He looks forward to how God might use those contacts to expand GSED in many more countries.

John and Tan are not only impacting other nations around their Asian home country, but their own “Jerusalem” as well. Tan is currently leading the Evangelism & Discipleship department at their church. Together they have taught GSED four times since 2015 to over 250 of the leaders and members of their own church. The result: the number of members of their church who say they are involved in evangelism on a weekly basis is three time greater than before!

We praise God for the impact Good Soil is having around the world, and for the faithful men and women, like Tan and John, who are so instrumental in making that happen.

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