The Good Soil Basic | Who It's For & Why It Matters

Who It’s For
The Good Soil Basic Seminar is ideal for pastors, mission leaders, missionaries, youth leaders, deacons and elders, other church leaders, or anyone else looking to make lasting, life-altering impacts, personally or through their ministry organizations.
If you find yourself stalled in your missional or evangelism efforts, the Good Soil Basic Seminar will help identify where and why you are struggling and will provide you with the skills and ministry resources necessary to reach your friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives, and others who need to hear God’s good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you’re interested in the Good Soil Basic seminar, we invite you to our upcoming training!
Why It’s Important
There are many versions of the “gospel” that people believe are true, even if they’ve never researched or considered it themselves. Additionally, the variance of cultures and worldviews can make it even harder for a believer to communicate the Gospel in a way that it is not only understood, but also received and applied. That is what makes the Good Soil Basic Seminar so unique and important! The purpose of this training is to help you articulate the gospel to those who haven’t heard it, don’t believe it, or are of another worldview or culture in a way that spans the gap between what they believe and what God’s Word says!
No other organization offers a seminar like this — it’s fun, engaging and interactive and most importantly, it is life changing! Our mission is to help you help others, and it does not stop at the end of the seminar. We also provide attendees with the option to get certified in Good Soil evangelism and discipleship principles and we’re even willing to help you put what you’ve learned into practice at your church, mission field, youth group, Bible study, or wherever your evangelism and discipleship efforts take place! We believe our Good Soil Basic Seminar is the most effective and most practical evangelism and discipleship seminar out there and we’d love for you to see why!
What You’ll Learn & Receive
In addition to effective gospel sharing techniques that will help you overcome the evangelism and discipleship barriers you face, participants in the Good Soil Basic Seminar will be directly exposed to five ministry resources and taught how to use each:
- Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship Seminar Workbook: Participants will use this workbook while training for worldview-relevant evangelism & discipleship. It’s also available, for purchase, to those who have received a Good Soil Trainer Certification.
- The Story of Hope Workbook: This evangelistic and discipleship Bible study workbook contains 64 pages and is plastic spiral-bound. It covers 40 major Bible events that summarize God’s unfolding story of redemption.
- The Way to Joy: This leader-guided foundational Bible study book is best used in follow-up studies, but it’s appropriate for anyone who’s serious about his or her Christian journey.
- Gaining Ground with Good Soil: This colorful visualized book is a scaled-down version of the Good Soil seminar in an engaging story format. It summarizes what Good Soil Evangelism is all about. And free instructional resources are available to help you teach it to others.
- The Story of Hope--Condensed: This pocket-sized edition of The Story of Hope summarizes the BIG story of the Bible using 20 Bible events.
If you’re excited about the possibility of breaking through barriers to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, than register today for the best discipleship seminar on October 16-17, 2017 at the ABWE Training Center!