The Scars of Easter – Eight Nepalese Respond in Faith

Recently in our ministry in a large Asian city, one of our intercultural churches connected with a nearby ministry that reaches out to the large Nepalese community living there. During the preaching time, I used the high-quality graphics and basic storyline developed for the Story of Hope materials to preach a message called the "Scars of Easter."
Because of the Story of Hope materials, I was able to trace the scars of sin of Adam and Eve's disobedience in Genesis, through the prophecies of the scars that would bring us healing mentioned in Isaiah 53. The message culminated with scars of hope that "doubting" Thomas was able to touch after Jesus’ resurrection.
Throughout the message, the congregation's attention was riveted on the beautiful pictures illustrating each point so well. At the invitation, eight Nepalese people came forward to receive Christ as their Savior. Our translator even mentioned that just the night before one of the people had stopped by his office to angrily debate the idea that Christ could be the only way to heaven as he had heard a Nepalese pastor recently say. However, after seeing the chronological unfolding of the Bible's message, he understood and turned to Christ himself.
We in Hong Kong praise the Lord for His great work this past Easter and thank Good Soil Ministries for using their time and resources to develop this important tool.