"I'm looking to become a Wiccan"

Categories: Stories

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Moriah and her fiancé attended church on Easter Sunday. That was significant for a number of reasons, considering that they had both had bad experiences at churches in the past and even more significantly because of what Moriah retained in her memory from that day. After the service, Moriah met the pastor in the lobby of the church. She said, "I enjoyed your church today. But I need to let you know I don't believe the same as you do. I'm looking to become a Wiccan. That's the way for me."

A week or two later Moriah and her fiancé attended church again, and then again the next week. After a few more weeks, the pastor of the church asked the young couple to meet with him and another young couple at McDonalds to discuss a Bible study called The Story of Hope, with the intent of beginning to understand the overall big picture of the Bible. Moriah and James quickly agreed and met them on Tuesday evenings after work, week after week throughout the summer. Moriah read with interest the account of the Creation and the Fall. She took note of the promise made to Eve that her seed would crush the serpent's head though he would bruise his heel. The Genesis 3:15 promise came up again and again in the discussions over the weeks that followed.

Their study progressed, story by story through the Old Testament, revealing the need for the promised Messiah. In the gospels, she heard of the coming of the Messiah, His miraculous virgin birth, His teaching and His miracles, His encounter with the religious leader in John 3 and with the woman at the well in John 4. When The Story of Hope came to John 5 and Christ's declaration that He was equal to and one with the Father, she said, "We need to stop right there! That's something I don't get. How can Jesus be both God and the Son of God at the same time? I heard something back on Easter Sunday that Jesus was God. I didn't get it then. I don't get it now." The pastor suggested that they take whatever time was necessary to study the answer to that question by gathering from the Old Testament what the people understood the Messiah would be and how the Son of God was in fact God.

The next week The Story of Hope Bible study addressed John 11 and Christ's conversation with Martha after her brother Lazarus had died. She read Christ's words, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live… Do you believe this?" She read Martha's confession, "I believe that you are the Christ (the Messiah), the Son of God." Moriah sat back and considered those words.

Later that evening, she went to her fiancé's grandfather Bucky's house, a faithful believer Moriah knew she could trust. When she entered his house, she said to Bucky, "We need to talk. I need to tell you about what we've been learning at our Bible study." She proceeded to explain what she had learned of Christ and that He was the promised one who alone could provide forgiveness of her sin and eternal life. She said, "I need to do something about that, but I've never prayed before! How do I do that?" Bucky had the joy of helping Moriah express her faith in Christ.

Moriah and her fiancé, also a new believer, completed The Story of Hope and after several months of weekly discipleship completedThe Way to Joy. They followed the Lord in believer's baptism and joined in membership with their local church family. Their story is just beginning.

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