A chronological Bible survey of God's redemptive plan, consisting of two courses: The Roots of Faith–Old Testament and The Roots of Faith–New Testament. Altogether these courses include lessons that feature 100 key Bible events in 25 major Bible eras, from Genesis through Revelation.

Upcoming Course Dates

The Roots of Faith is offered in June as part of a Good Soil training package.

Course Dates Location  
The Roots of Faith--OT June 16–June 20, 2025 ABWE International Headquarters More info & Register
The Roots of Faith--NT June 23–June 27, 2025 ABWE International Headquarters More info & Register

The Biblical Content: Chronological and Redemptive Story Focused

The Roots of Faith is a chronological Bible survey, from Genesis through Revelation, but it is much more than that. It traces the unfolding of God's progressive revelation of major theological concepts, especially those theological truths that are closely related to mankind's spiritual needs and God's plan of salvation.

"The Roots of Faith classes not only give you a good survey of the Old and New Testaments, they also help you build a biblical theology. They could more accurately be called Biblical Theology classes."
- Dr. Gil Thomas

In The Roots of Faith courses you will learn…

  • The key content of the Old and New Testaments—especially Bible truths that confront what we call “worldview noise" AND the Bible content that you (and others) need to clearly understand God's redemptive story.
  • The chronology of 25 major Bible eras and 100 key Bible events—how the Bible progressively unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. And you will learn how to think your way through the Bible, using these eras and events as mental hooks.
  • The geographic locations where major Bible events occurred.

Watch this video for an overview of the content and to get a feel for the learning experience

Overview of Old and New Testament Courses


The Learning Experience:
Engaging, Interactive, and FUN!

Students learn best when they are deeply engaged in the learning process, interacting with other students, and having fun! So we've designed these courses to optimize your Bible learning experience. You will appreciate the creative “Focus" activities for each event-lesson, the many and varied table-group learning experiences, and the double-daily “velcro" activities that will help make your learning “stick." And you'll go away with your own set of ChronoBible cards to use in ongoing review and further mastery of the Bible's Big Story.

In The Roots of Faith courses you will…

  • Fill your “teaching toolbox" with all of the creative teaching-learning methods needed for you to teach these courses to others.
  • Receive approximately 200 pages (per course) of Bible commentary related to all of the Bible passages studied in the event-lessons of the courses.
  • Become a certified course instructor for teaching The Roots of Faith.

The Roots of Faith Overview

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The Roots of Faith Old Testament

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The Roots of Faith New Testament

Look Inside +

Roots of Faith - Old Testament

Roots of Faith - New Testament

Instructor's Resource Center (IRC) Online

The Instructor's Resource Center (IRC) is an online collection of many of the resources used in The Roots of Faith courses when taught at ABWE, including video clips, PowerPoint files, various for-print pdf documents (including the commentary and Instructor's Guide), etc. These resources are available to students who have participated in and completed these courses, or people who have purchased Instructor's Kits for these courses.

Access the IRC Online

Login for Course Exams

If you are enrolled in one of The Roots of Faith courses for ABWE pre-field Bible course credit or for college or graduate credit and you have received an email with instructions for the course, including your username and password, you can access the course exams from the link below. If you are unable to access the exams, email us at PDFcourses@abwe.org.

OT Login NT Login

Upcoming Course Dates

The Roots of Faith is offered in June as part of a Good Soil training package.

Course Dates Location  
The Roots of Faith--OT June 16–June 20, 2025 ABWE International Headquarters More info & Register
The Roots of Faith--NT June 23–June 27, 2025 ABWE International Headquarters More info & Register

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