License Fees
Please note, this section assumes that you've had a chance to at least glance over the License Agreement, and have read the section on the fees. If not, before continuing, please read page 18 (Appendix C: Fees).

What It's Not...
The fees will not go towards:
Money in the pocket for anyone at Good Soil.
Past printing royalties. Meaning...
Those who have done a printing in the past (prior to December 2016) and don't intend to print anytime soon do not need to pay printing royalties. Translations prior to 2017 are "grandfathered in" with fees waived.
If in the future a re-print is needed, or a new printing is desired, then the License Agreement would be needed.

What It Is...
The fees that accompany the License Agreement (as outlined in Appendix C) apply to those who will be doing any future printing.
The License Agreement is designed for those who value the Good Soil resources and training and have a vision to actively use these going forward in their ministry.
If you're unsure about whether you want to start (or renew) your Good Soil license agreement, please reach out to us as we'd be happy to talk through this more in detail.
What Is The Money Used For?
Glad you asked! Fees go towards offsetting the cost of the:
- Good Soil website
- Website SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Purchase of ISBNs and Barcodes (so that translation resources can be made available on Amazon)
- Resource Promotion (for translations)
- InDesign formatting (placing the translated text into InDesign)
While ABWE does cover the salaries of the Good Soil team who are not supported missionaries, none of the other costs mentioned above are included within the ABWE budget. Rather, to date anything related to Good Soil (resources and training events) has been offset by some donors.
We've been thrilled at the response of many who are excited and eager to implement the Good Soil resources into their ministry. To make continued growth sustainable, we're asking those of you who want to use the tools to help shoulder some of these costs. Even if we had everyone who has done a translation project printing regularly, the monies given to Good Soil wouldn't fully cover the cost for each of the items listed above, but it would be a start towards making these endeavors sustainable.