Evangelistic Praying Dependence on God

In our first post, I introduced “Best Practices of Evangelists Overview – Evangelism Diagnostics.” When a light comes on the dashboard of our car, we take it to a mechanic who uses a tool to discover the problem. In regarding our personal evangelism, we do not have a “tool” to discover our problem. There are some questions we can use to help us discern our involvement in this spiritual discipline. The first question to reveal our evangelistic efforts is “Are you praying for opportunities to speak and live the gospel before unbelievers?” This question gauges the evangelist’s dependence on God. What does dependence look like? Prayer! Here are five Scriptural prayers. 

Evangelism Diagnostics

What are the thoughts that come to mind when you see a light come on your dashboard of your car? Oh no! What does that mean? How much is that going to cost? Who can I take my car to find out what the problem is? I am sure there might be other questions that come to mind. When you take your car to the mechanic, he has a diagnostic tool that helps him to determine what the problem is. He plugs that machine into your car, and it reads all the codes that have come up. The mechanic then delivers the good or bad news to you. The mechanic is doing you a favor. He is helping you know the state of your car. Regarding evangelism, it would be nice if we could just come to an evangelism specialist and have him “diagnose” us to see how we are doing in this critical area. I have compiled a list of questions to help you assess your evangelism. Let me encourage you to honestly answer these questions. In the past month with unbelievers.... 

Christmas Evangelism – Ten Creative Ideas

The Christmas season should be the easiest time of the year for us to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our friends, family, and neighbors. But, all too often, the busyness of the season suppresses our passion for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with people who need to know it and might be hungry to hear it. Even in a post-Christian culture that has secularized Jesus out of Christmas, there are still many creative ways to non-offensively introduce people to the REAL story beneath the commercialized story. Here are ten of them. 

How to Show Christlike Love in Your Everyday Life

As it is written in the Bible, we are all called to show love to others and to share the Gospel. Jesus shows us the perfect example of how to show Christian love in Matthew 4:23 and Acts 10:38. In addition to reading about evangelism and discipleship in the Bible, attending an evangelism and discipleship program like the Good Soil Basic Seminar is the best way to get a clear understanding of how Christ shows His love for us every day & how you can show that same love to people you are close with and even individuals who hold different worldviews & beliefs from your own! 

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